Fredericia svømmehal

Fredericia Swimming Hall

Fun and games in Fredericia Swimming Hall

Fredericia Swimming Hall offers plenty of potential for a day of fun, games and well-being.

Your entry to the swimming hall gives you access to three large pools and the 1, 3 and 5 metre diving boards. If you would rather relax and enjoy the heat, try our steam bath and bio sauna, located in the middle of the swimming hall. If you are looking for something more exhilarating, let rip on the obstacle course in our 25 metre pool. The obstacle course is set up in the pool on weekends and during school holidays.

The swimming hall is divided into three main pools: a six lane 25 metre pool with a depth of 1.8 metres, a middle pool with a raise/lower bottom and a dive pool with 1, 3 and 5 metre boards, with a depth of 4.5 metres.

We have excellent, spacious changing facilities with large lockers that are locked using your entry ticket, which is a bracelet with a chip. We also have a special family room for infants.

As part of the swimming hall, you will find the pool café, where you can purchase food and drink.

Kommende arrangementer
Tue. d. 14/1 to Tue. d. 04/2

Udspring fra vipper

På udvalgte tirsdage vil instruktør, Peder Brandt, undervise i udspring. Eventet er ganske gratis, der skal blot købes alm. adgangsbillet til svømmehallen for at kunne deltage.

Sat. d. 22/2

Saunagus Marathon

Tag med til en eftermiddag med wellness og afslapning. En uforglemmelig oplevelse i saunaens varme samt wellness-områdets afslappende atmosfære.

Sat. d. 22/2

MGP25 fest + storskærm

I et samarbejde med flere klubber og foreninger, ruller vi den røde løber ud og inviterer til MGP25 på storskærm i Middelfart Sparekasse ARENA - en fest for alle børn og unge!

Sun. d. 04/5

Wings for Life World Run

Søndag d. 4. maj kl. 13:00, går startskuddet i Fredericia til verdens største app løb.